The Driver 
System Requirements 
What it does 
Configuration Parameters 
Future Directions
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Changes from Release 1.0 

version 1.1

Take a sneak peek at Message Boards for Excel to Database data transfer and you
will find something similar to the following -
How does one load MS-Excel data into Oracle?
How to copy data from Excel to Oracle?
How to get data from Excel to Oracle?
How to read data from excel spreadsheet into an Oracle Table?
How to automate loading of data from Excel spreadsheet into Database?

Not a rocket science though!

Anyone who has worked as a System Maintenence/Support person would have done
this one thing at least once - and that is loading data from a file into a
database. Most commonly these files are plain text having delimited values.
But data analysts prefer working with spreadsheets. Of course a spreadsheet
like Excel offers so much more. When this spreadsheet reaches a support
person like me or you for some backend manipulation, things can be quite
cumbersome at times. Especially if the number of files is high. The 'normal'
procedure (with Oracle) is first converting the Excel to a delimited text file.
Then creating a database table with required columns and then using SQL Loader
utility but not before you have the control file. Imagine doing this for 50 files!
I couldn't handle 10, so I sat down one fine Saturday and wrote this. The
objective was to have a program which can handle multiple files and which
does not require me to create the table or even map the file to table or its
columns. As in most cases we need the data in a table before we can do anything
with it. So there it is...

© 2006 Abhinav Srivastava

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

This distribution of QuickLoad includes Jakarta POI and CLI binary distributions
which are covered under Apache Software License.


System Requirements
WIN XP/2000/NT, JRE 5.0, JDBC Driver

What it does
The current distribution supports MS-EXCEL to ORACLE/MySQL data load.
The program determines the Table name based on the file and worksheet names.
If the table already exists, further processing is stopped (definitely a candidate
for improvement!). Column names are decided based on the first row of the worksheet
which has any value. Column names are unique. From subsequent rows only those cells
are selected which have a valid column header (in the first NOT NULL row).

Unzip the distribution in a directory of your choice.

The extracted folder structure will be like this -

|   config.properties
|   QuickLoad-bin1.1beta-68.jar
|   QuickLoad-src1.1beta-68.zip

Edit EXCEL2DB.CMD and set JDBC_DRIVER value or leave it blank if the driver is already in the classpath.

Edit config.properties and fill in suitable values for your environment/requirement.

From the directory where the full distribution is unzipped
run EXCEL2DB.CMD config.file input.file log.file

input file is the Excel document that you want loaded in the database.
config file supplies the program its necessary parameters.
logfile is optional. If logfile is not specified anywhere, then
log is redirected to the console.

Wildcards for input file name are supported.

The EXCEL2DB.CMD is just a wrapper over the core command
JAVA -cp %APP_JAR%;"%JDBC_DRIVER%";"%CLASSPATH%" com.as.quickload.QLMain -config <> -data <> -log <>

Configuration Parameters
The configuration file should have the following properties set as appropriate.

JDBC_DRIVER_CLASSe.g. oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
CONNECTION URL e.g. jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521:sid Check with your DBA for hostname and SID values.
DB_USER/DB_PASSWORD User Id and Password for the database.
COLUMN_SIZE Size of the table columns. Default 80
TAB_NAME_PREFIX/ COL_NAME_PREFIX These prefixes are used in Table and Column Names.
BATCH_SIZE No of records to be written to the Database in one batch. Default 50
DB_MANAGER For Oracle use com.as.quickload.db.dbmodule.OracleDBManager. For MySQL use com.as.quickload.db.dbmodule.MySQLDBManager
FILE_MANAGERFor Excel use com.as.quickload.file.filemodule.ExcelFileManager
DATE_FORMATFormat in which date would be stored in Database, this is a java.text.SimpleDateFormat pattern.
READ_NUM_AS_TEXTWhether numbers stored in Input file is stored as NUMBER(0.00) or STRING Yes (Default) or No
LOG_FILELog File, use forward slashes e.g. c:/logfile.txt
TRIMTrim Whitespaces around values, Yes (Default) or No
CASEChange the case, Upper, Lower, Keep (Default)

*Unlike database tables, Excel can have a free form grid. It can also have
different datatypes in the same column. This cannot be supported by a normal
database table. QuickLoad treats all columns as VARCHAR2 (i.e. Strings).
*Column names and columns themselves are decided from the first NOT NULL row
of Excel. Other rows and columns are ignored.
*Cells with datatype TEXT, NUMBER and DATE are supported. Others are stored as
*The column size is set in the configuration file. If an excel cell contains
longer value, the process would fail.

Future Directions
*Customization of TABLE/COLUMN names.
*Loading delimited text files.
*Who knows a GUI!
*Unix support.
*SQL Server support.

Changes from Release 1.0
#Option to TRIM and Change CASE.
#Option to log onto the Console.

*I do not see EXCEL2DB.CMD in the distribution.
If you do not find EXCEL2DB.CMD in the root of the archive, you can write one yourself
with the following content:

@echo off
 echo ******************************************************
 echo Usage - EXCEL2DB.CMD config.file data.file [logfile] *
 echo ******************************************************

set APP_JAR=[QuickLoad-binXYZ.jar]

set ag3=%3

if NOT ""%ag3% == "" goto SETLOG
if ""%ag3%=="" goto RUN

set ARG3=-log %ag3%

JAVA -cp %APP_JAR%;"%JDBC_DRIVER%";"%CLASSPATH%" com.as.quickload.QLMain  -config %1 -data %2 %ARG3%

Once again, this file should be in the root of the directory where you have unzipped the
distribution. Unzip only the ZIP file that you downloaded. No other archive needs to be

*When I try to load the file I see exceptions like
Make sure you do not have any filters or combo-boxes on the Excel document.
You can turn off filters from the excel menu (Data->Filter->Autofilter)
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